Presence, Security

In the Covid Waiting Room

January 7, 2023

Some days, hope looks like an orange tree to me (specifically, a mandarin orange tree), a variety which seems to be mostly found in the area where I grew up. They are seedless, easy to peel, and incredibly sweet. How lucky am I?

It has been an interesting beginning to the year.

I learned this week that I had a Covid exposure from one of my massage clients. Funny, because she asked at the start of her massage if I wanted her to wear a mask, and I said, “Oh no! It’s fine!” (because it really is not easy for people to mask up when they are face down on a massage table.)  I might have to start thinking differently about that, though. Until now, I have felt relatively unconcerned about Covid because of the vaccine and boosters, but evidently there is a new variety heading our way that the boosters might not prevent as much.

Good times!

I checked the CDC website, and I am supposed to take a Covid test on day five of my exposure, with day zero being the day I was exposed.  I alerted all my clients for the rest of the week that I had a Covid exposure; most of them were OK with coming in anyway, as long as I was symptom free and wearing a mask.

I took another test a few days ago, and thankfully it was negative. But I am still supposed to wear a mask while indoors for at least ten days after exposure, and to take another test if at any point in the next few days I start to have symptoms (and to keep letting my clients know of my current Covid conundrum.)

Does anybody else start to feel a little sick automatically when they learn they’ve had a Covid exposure?

I do. Like ten minutes later. I start smelling my shampoo when I am in the shower, just to see if I can. And my hands if I am chopping onions or garlic for supper. Maybe my head is feeling a little achy? Is my throat scratchy? Also, I am awfully tired.

Of course, I was also tired a few minutes before I learned about the exposure. It was one of those weeks. We had New Year’s Day, and then a few busy work days, and my daughter’s birthday, and her surprise party, which went very well, thank you for asking. We are also experiencing a series of wild storms in these parts, those atmospheric rivers, that dump inches of rain over a few hours. Flash flood watches and warnings kept popping up on my phone. Also winter storm warnings. Thunder and lightning and heavy winds.  The news people told us to prepare for possible power outages. I keep thinking the power could go out at any moment.

So we plugged in our phones, just in case.  Got the lantern out and put it where it will be easy to grab. It’s a fancy, new one that I found at Costco last year after January’s Stormageddon, when three feet of snow fell overnight and the power went out for nine days. It can charge devices, too.

Lots to be grateful for, even as I sit in the Covid waiting room and another series of storms is scheduled to blow through, storms that threaten to topple more trees and cause additional power outages. The power hasn’t gone out yet. I’ve made it this far with no Covid symptoms. I have socks from Costco that are my new favorite thing; it was a three-pack, and they keep my feet dry and warm in my boots, especially as I muck around outside, bringing in firewood and filling up birdfeeders. My daughter is on her way back to college, driving with one of her best friends from high school, which was lovely because then her friend didn’t have to drive alone and my daughter didn’t have to leave behind her stash of Christmas candles and other gifts that would never fit in her carryon bag.

So now, I wait. Grateful that the power is still on. Grateful to still be feeling healthy. Grateful for all this rain and snow, although it would be nice if it didn’t come all at once. Mostly? Grateful to be here with you for another New Year.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Mystic Design January 10, 2023 at 5:52 pm

    Happy New Year my friend! Here’s to a healthy 2023!

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