… but this week it is.
Lots of snow on the ground, my friends. It’s good to have it. Of course, this being California, we urgently need the moisture. I generally love the fact that we live at an elevation where we get snow a few times a year. I especially love it this week because my calendar is COVID clear, and there is no place I have to be, at least for a few more days. Truthfully, I’m less excited about the snow on days when I have to be somewhere and the road is icy and chains are required on the freeway or the freeway even closes. I am not a confident snow driver. Mainly because of the time years ago when I was leaving the ski resort where I worked and had a near creek experience after hitting a patch of ice on a dark winter night. Or the time I was creeping along the road one morning on my way up to that same ski resort when two cars confidently passed me, hit a patch of ice a few meters ahead, and crashed into each other. Thankfully, there’s no need to drive today. Today, I get to go for a walk and take in all of this:

What I saw on my walk
Last week, though, it was not snowing, so I was able to go outside and peck at the blackberries for a 20 minute clearing session. You can see what I did here:
Spoiler: The best thing about this clearing session? I was finally able to rest on one of the beautiful rocks that had been hidden for years under those invasive bushes.
This snow is supposed to linger for a few more days. The blackberries will still be there then. I hope to get out into them at least once next week. I’ll keep you posted.
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