
Reminders for a Strange Time

January 26, 2017

Things to remember at the end of the world.

When the world is ending, or you are afraid that it might end, or the country has come under the leadership of a misogynistic, racist, climate-change denying, money and power worshiping wall builder, there are things to do.  Think of this as a little list, a card plucked from the seat back in front of you, the one with helpful instructions for survival as the plane is plummeting.

Of course, this list is my list. Yours will be different. It’s incomplete and rough.  But it helps me remember that there are things I can do everyday that keep me moving, that give me perspective, that anchor me in truth.  The main thing: Donald Trump is not God. This is good to bring to mind on cold mornings when I wake up with a sick stomach, thinking about the news from the day before, especially when there is little hope that it will improve anytime soon.

On those mornings, I try to remember , in no particular order, to:

Drink some extra water. Maybe add lemon. Have a cup of tea. Skip the sugar.  Sugar is not my friend.

Go outside. Marvel at the water that has poured out of the sky, water that has made a creek in the backyard where there didn’t used to be one. Find the little boat left over from the kids’ preschool years and put some Lego guys in it. Launch them out on a new adventure.

Feed the birds. There are several feeders outside, some with seed, some for hummingbirds. They weren’t expensive. They bring so much joy. Watch the birds- stellar jays chickadees, and finches. See how they share and make room for each other. Listen to them sing.

Cook some real food, something that smells wonderful and can go in the crock pot in the morning.  Curry or vegetable soup are favorites.

Visit the library.  Look at the rows and rows of books and realize that there is still a lot to learn.  Find a book on chowders, and vow to cook something new tonight.  Listen to the librarians at the desk behind you, so polite to everyone who comes through. Even the people who try their patience and make you a little crazy. Watch the mothers bring in their toddlers for story time, and give thanks for books that tell truth in picture form.

Take a spoonful or two of coconut oil.  Coconut oil is full of healthy fats, they say. It’s brain food. This is more important than ever.

Read the daily Ziglar self-talk affirmations.  Print them for free from the Ziglar website.  Zig said to read them twice a day, first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.  The affirmations remind all of us that we are honest, intelligent, organized, responsible, committed and teachable.  Try not to think too much about how the news would be different if Trump was more like Zig.

Exercise. Outside if possible.

Text a friend. Call a friend.  At the same time,  limit social media. Repeated scrolling through the news on my Facebook feed just makes me sad.  I want to be aware, but compulsive checking can’t be helpful. Trump is only doing what he said he would do.  The Republicans are doing what they promised, too. It breaks my heart that part of that promise includes repealing regulations that protect forests and streams from coal mining. Because clearly that’s just horrible, right?

Go to bed. Get some extra sleep.

Get up early. Center. Journal.

And this. Always this.  Don’t be afraid.  I remind myself that we are in this together.  I remember that I am not alone.

What would you add? What practices are your touchstones these days?


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  • Reply Viv February 1, 2017 at 1:01 pm

    I found you and in doing so I was relieved of a similar angst today-we share our grief and we share our hope. I want to be ready and present if God has use for me. In all my ruminating and anger, I have become useless! Thank you!

    • Reply Robin February 6, 2017 at 11:22 am

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I think you are being a little hard on yourself, though. How could you ever see yourself as useless? But I understand the feeling. We will just keep muddling along together.

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