Daily Grace

Waking Up to Power (After Four Days of Darkness)

November 3, 2019

Today, I woke up to electricity. I was so grateful.

I confess that most mornings, if you asked me what I was thankful for, electricity wouldn’t be on my list. Not because it’s unimportant. Mostly because I just never think about it.  I assume that the lights will go on in the morning when I wake up. Also, the water will flow from the tap when I turn it on, and will drain away where it is supposed to go (Of all people, though, I should realize this is a gift. It wasn’t that long ago that roots in our septic tank made it so that none of our water drained. See what I wrote earlier this year about my hierarchy of plumbing needs, apologies to Maslow. Everyday, I wake up assuming that gas stations will be open and have gas when I want it.  Grocery store will stock the milk and eggs I prefer.  The fact that they might not have milk and eggs would never even occur to me. If you asked me most mornings, I could give you a long list of things I am grateful for.  But these simple conveniences? I wouldn’t mention them. I just take them for granted.

This morning was the first morning that we had power again after four days of darkness (Well. Two days ago now. But the feeling of gratitude remains).  When I first woke up, turned on the light in the kitchen, and heated up water for tea on the stove, and the stove turned on? I was grateful. When hot water came out of the tap? Grateful. When I was able to do laundry in my own house? Grateful. When I opened the refrigerator and the light came on, and I didn’t have to panic about letting all the cool air out? Grateful. When I could charge my computer, my cell phone, my tooth brush? You know.  Just grateful.

So many gifts, no? It’s easy to forget that none of these are guaranteed. There’s no law that promises that these will always be available.  I forget so easily. Today, though? Today, I remembered. It was a good day.

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