I had a Kathy Bates movie moment when I was driving to work the other morning. It wasn’t a moment (thankfully!) from her movie “Misery,” where she tortures the famous writer by breaking his ankles, but one from “Fried Green Tomatoes,” where Bates runs her car into the VW Bug of the snotty, beautiful girls who steal the parking spot that she’s been patiently waiting for.
“Face it lady, we’re younger and faster,” the girls said, as they waltzed past her into the grocery store, arms around each other, laughing, after they take her parking spot. Bates sits stunned in her car for a moment, gets a fierce look on her face, then cries out the empowering word “Towanda!” before ramming their VW with her sensible sedan, laughing all the way. When the girls run out, horrified, she said, “Face it girls. I’m older and I have more insurance.”
I had left one freeway and was merging onto another one. It’s a little tricky, that entire merging situation, and I saw that there was traffic in both lanes on the road where I was heading. So I did the sensible thing, slowed just a little, and waited for the right lane to clear before I pulled into it. It’s a situation where yielding made sense. As I waited for, I don’t know, maybe two seconds, the car behind me honked.
It honked at me. Because I was waiting? For seconds? What did that driver want me to do? Ram my car into a miniscule spot in between a line of five or six cars that were chugging speedily along when there was a clear space at the end of the line?
I guess so.
Do you know what I wanted to do? Continue Reading…