Power, Presence

Hot Tub Trouble

June 15, 2024

So the hot tub at our motel was not this nice. It also was not this empty! Plus this photo was taken in Greece, which is a little different from Buellton, California. Photo by Dimitris Kiriakakis from Unsplash.

I drove to Santa Barbara this week to pick up my son who had just finished his first year of college. The drive to Santa Barbara from my house is 450 miles. You realistically cannot get there and back again in one day. Unfortunately, this is turning out not to be my favorite drive ever. I think it’s even more difficult than the drive to Los Angeles. Because first, you have to make it through Sacramento and Sacramento traffic, which was at a standstill for some odd reason and added an extra half hour to my journey, and then through the outskirts of Stockton, and then along the deserted parts of I-5, where the most memorable section is passing the Harris Brothers Cattle Ranch, which you can smell from miles away. “You see those cows and it makes you vow to never eat another hamburger again,” my friend said to me the other day, when we talked a little about that drive. And then you turn off I-5 onto Highway 41, which is two lanes for most of it and traveled by slow moving trucks and speedy, stupid drivers who take their lives into their hands by passing both you and the slow moving trucks over double yellow lines, and then Highway 46 and then finally 101 South, which is actually lovely for the most part. That’s when you finally see the ocean for the first time. It would be wonderful if the entire trip was as scenic as that section of 101.

So since it is a two day trip to get to Santa Barbara and home again, it is necessary to spend the night somewhere. Lodging in Santa Barbara is financially prohibitive for us, but if you head north, back toward home a little, you return to the world of more realistic overnight fares. Our motel of choice for our last few trips to my son’s university has been Pea Soup Andersen’s Inn. Sadly, the Pea Soup Andersen’s restaurant that was next door  is “temporarily closed” (although it doesn’t appear to be opening anytime soon). But the folks who run the inn are friendly and the rooms are clean and the beds are comfortable. Plus they have a pool. And a hot tub!

Hot tubs are one of my favorite things.

So after I drove a few hundred miles and made it to UCSB and greeted my son and we cleaned his room and loaded up the car and made our way back to the motel, I was looking forward to soaking in the hot tub.

I put on my swimsuit and tiptoed out and figured out where the entry gate was and maneuvered the latch and then discovered that the hot tub was already full of other guests.

Which shouldn’t have been a problem, because the signs near the hot tub caution folks not to overdo their soaking: fifteen to twenty minutes tops is a lovely amount of time, usually.

So I found a nearby deck chair and put my towel over my legs because the night air was refreshingly chilly and waited.

I noticed that one of the soakers had a little cooler with beer next to him. He leisurely grabbed one, popped it open, and drank. This was maybe not a good sign for me.

There was one woman in the hot tub; the rest were men. Probably five of them. It looked like they all knew each other, one big happy family group.

I waited. I waited. Continue Reading…


Kind of a Rough One

June 8, 2024

(Also known as…

Oh goody! A chance to see if I actually believe the things that I say I do.)

Because I say that I believe that the end all, behind all, before all, around all, is Love. That Love is greater than all of my fears. That Love cares for me, has cared for me every moment I’ve had breath and will be with me until the end of this life and on into the next one, too, whatever that will look like.

Except then I have a day like a day I had this week, when something that I have counted on for years is suddenly feeling not quite so stable.

This gutted me.

I am then forced to acknowledge that when something like this devastates me, that I was trusting the Thing and not Love. Because if I was rooted and grounded in Love? A change like this would merely be a reason for curiosity! “How interesting,” I would say to myself, “I wonder how Love is going to walk with me through this new thing? Another adventure! Cool!”

But no! Instead, I cry and maybe swear a little and worry and perseverate.

There was a difficult conversation that I did not handle well.

Life happens and pop quizzes show up and I get to see how much growth potential I still have. Hurray! Still quite a bit!

So what then?

Do I believe in Love?

Because if I do? Then this brewing storm that feels like it could destroy me, or at least upend life as I have enjoyed it? It’s nothing to worry about. Jesus who I say I follow tells me not to worry. He actually kind of commands it. And Paul that grumpy apostle says that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.


Not the thing that sideswiped me this week.

Not the things that will sideswipe me tomorrow and the next day and the next.

The thing that gutted me this week: who knows how everything will unfold? But I get to see how Love shows up. Because Love promises to hold me. I believe this. I think I do, anyway. Which reminds me of a prayer that helps me feel better about all my doubting, one first uttered to Jesus by the father of a sick boy many years ago. “I believe,” the father said to Jesus. “Help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24).

Me too, Jesus.

Me too.