When the unexpected and unwanted keeps happening.
What is there to do but to keep breathing?
Hold steady.
Don’t panic.
Remember that things change.
Remember the wise words of St Teresa of Avila:
“Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. Everything changes. God alone is unchanging.”
Everything changes.
The things we love change. The people we love change. Sometimes, they leave us, not because they want to, but because they had no choice.
So when things are not as we want? As we hoped? As we planned (and we made such smart, doable, sensible plans!)?
Hold on.
Whatever this is, it’s not forever.
Maybe (as Rumi says in his Guest House poem), all the “sorrows are clearing you out for some new delight.”
What would it mean, in Rumi’s words, to “meet (those sorrows) at the door laughing and invite them in”?
All the “no’s,” the “not yets,” the “maybe nevers,” the “sorry about your lucks.”
“Come on in!” I could say. “It may seem that you sorrows are bringing us nothing but heartbreak, but in reality, you are friends bearing gifts.”
You’d think I’d have learned by now that good gifts often come wrapped in painful packages.
All things. All things. All things work together for good.
My son received similar “maybes” with the college admission game. He chose Cal Poly where he met his future wife, a wonderful human being. Three kids later, both with chosen careers and general happiness life is fruitful.
Set a table for the sorrows waaay over there in the back corner where it’s cozy. Make them a pot of tea and introduce them to each other. They’ll get to yakking together and you can go elsewhere. They’ll try to get you to join them, but remember you’re the hostess, you have to watch the door for the happies. Take care, my friend.