
Late Night Lullaby

May 21, 2018

Good night dirty dishes in the sink.  Good night leaves that the cat drug in. Good night boot prints and shoe prints and paw prints on the wood floor. Good night trash bag by the kitchen door.  Good night empty refrigerator. I know the milk is almost gone and there is nothing much to eat, but there is enough for now, and the store will be open tomorrow.  Good night stinky cat box. Good night dirty clothes resting in the overflowing laundry hamper. Good night clean clothes piled up on the bed. Let me move you , just a little, over to the chair in the corner.  Sleep well, all of you. I will see you in the morning. It will be a new day.  I have taken care of you before, countless times.  I will take care of you again tomorrow.

Because now there is a dog resting on the back of the sofa with his chewed up dragon toy and a soft blanket. There is my family, finally gathered on the couch at the end of a long day. It’s time to sit and eat popcorn from the red bowl. Time to put on pajamas, and rest, and say good night to all that is done, and all that is undone, and know that tomorrow is a new day.

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  • Reply jill May 21, 2018 at 6:02 pm

    lovely! thanks! sleep tight 😉

  • Reply Sally Longdon May 21, 2018 at 4:12 pm


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