Power, Presence

My Unfortunate Healthy Habits Hiatus

July 8, 2023

On our most recent road trip we ate our way through most of this Costco sized bag of potato chips and completely finished the Costco bag of Skinny Pop Popcorn. And that wasn’t all we ate…

I am just realizing something.

When my daughter is home (because she is an an adult kind of person now, and has a life outside of our home), I often bail on my healthy habits. Not that I always follow through on these anyway. Just that when she is here, I do worse than normal.

For example?

I eat things that I normally don’t eat.

Yesterday, we picked her up at the Reno airport, which is about 70 miles from our house. She graduated from college a week ago and is officially finished with life in Los Angeles, for now at least. So to celebrate her arrival, we ate lunch at the Habit, one of our favorite hamburger places (because they have both spicy tempura green beans and burgers with grilled onions.) I didn’t feel too bad about that. I had my burger lettuce wrapped to cut down on the carbs, and limited myself to only a few string beans. But when we stopped for gas at the 7-11, I got a Big Gulp of Diet Doctor Pepper. And a bag of barbeque potato chips.

I drank soda and ate barbeque chips all the way home.

I justify this by saying that it is necessary to have snacks on a road trip, and even though a 70 mile drive home isn’t much of a road trip, it’s still a little one.

We had Costco microwave popcorn for dinner.

I ate an entire bag by myself.

Also when she is home, I do not want to do any work.

Not even the kinds of work that I generally enjoy or that need to be done.

I don’t want to go to work. I don’t want to start organizing her many wonderful belongings that have just moved back into the house. I don’t want to write. I don’t want to work on my book. I don’t want to weed the garden or tend the blackberries. I definitely do not want to worry about cooking any kind of healthy from scratch kind of meal.

I want to sit on the couch with her and my son and watch Netflix.

Maybe it is not a terrible thing to ease up a little on the self-judgment. To give myself a little extra grace. These last few weeks have been momentous in many ways. I am still trying to take it all in. The death of a loved one. Two graduations. My daughter’s newly arrived possessions that need to be resettled into our home and that are currently taking up space on the floor and kitchen table and bathroom counter and on most other flat surfaces in the house.

Through all of this, the dishes need to be washed, the laundry needs to be put away, the weeds keep growing.

Diet soda and Netflix rom-coms are not going to solve any of my problems. They will not heal anything. But maybe they are not so terrible for me, as long as they are occasional and do not become new habits.

So I think I’ll head out now for a little walk. Walks are great perspective bringers (and a daily walk is a healthy habit for sure). It also will help the chips and popcorn settle in my stomach. With any luck, the perspective it brings will enable me to steer clear of the ice cream in the freezer once I get home.

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  • Reply Sally July 10, 2023 at 5:51 pm

    Special tasks for special times! True that Diet soda and chips won’t solve any problems, but they also don’t make the weeds grow faster. Enjoy this time with your boy—-fill him up on all the mama love he can take!

  • Reply Shana July 9, 2023 at 4:32 am

    Yes! All this! It’s such sacred time when our adult kids are home that all habits go out the window. You want my homemade Mac and cheese with real butter? Yes! Bacon? Yes! Can I make cinnamon rolls? Yes! But mainly I, too, want time to stop when they’ll be here with me again before going back to their busy lives away (which I know is where they need to be!). Thanks for helping me feel it, too. Off to SD this weekend to see the oldest (and definitely be out of my healthy habits!).

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