
God Presses the Golden Buzzer for Us

June 19, 2017

Here is another confession.

When the day’s work is finally done–dinner, dishes, laundry, stinky cat box cleaning– and my husband is home from work, my family and I often gather on the couch and watch television. In my ideal world, this would not be such a common occurrence. We would spend most evenings in conversation or playing educational board games or cards.

I like board games and cards in theory.

In the real world? We collapse on the couch.

Thankfully, there are some good television shows out there.  Our favorite summer escape right now is America’s Got Talent (AGT).  AGT is a national talent show judged by celebrities including the grumpy Simon Cowell. There are a few terrible acts that make it onto the show, but mostly the contestants are amazing. They are singers and dancers, clowns and magicians.  At the start of the season, the judges vote after each act and send the best through to the next round.  Everyone is happy at that point, thrilled to stay in the competition.

There are a few special acts, though-  acts that are advanced through the competition and sent directly to the live shows. The only way to get there is by way of the golden buzzer. Each judge has a buzzer they can hit one time.  When this happens, confetti falls from the theater ceiling. The crowd roars.  The chosen contestant stands on the stage, looking bewildered, and cries. The celebrity judge goes to the stage and gives the contestant a hug.  Also, the contestant’s loved one who was waiting in the wings comes onto the stage and cries, as do many members of the audience.   One of the most recent contestants to get a golden buzzer was a young deaf woman who sang beautifully and performed an original song that left everyone in tears.

There is something special about that golden buzzer moment. It’s as if all the work the contestant has invested over the years is finally validated.  Maybe they knew before the show that they were talented. Or they hoped so.  But to finally get on that stage and get the golden buzzer?  It is affirmation, confirmation. It is love.

I adore those golden buzzer moments.  Maybe it’s because my centering prayer practice is helping me see something about God that the golden buzzer captures so well:  God loves us with a golden buzzer love. And God pushes that golden buzzer gleefully for each of us, everyday. The crazy thing is that it’s not just for the few of us who are talented enough to perform on the AGT stage. As soon as we wake up, no matter how we wake up, God is there for us, pressing the golden buzzer.  It doesn’t matter if we are tired, crabby, sad, depressed, regretful, hopeful, sick, or sobbing.  We wake up, and God greets us with a wild embrace.  The golden buzzer reminds me that we are accepted, seen, and cherished. Each of us is worthy of confetti and applause, tears and a hug from a celebrity. Everyday. Every moment. Every breath. Just because we are here. Just because we are.

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