I was feeling well enough to go for a short walk around the park on Friday. Lovely to see that the trees are starting to bloom.
My trashcan overflowed with tissues from the cold I caught this week. I made my way through an entire tissue box.
At first, I refused to admit I was sick. I didn’t want to be sick. I had things to do! My annual mammogram was scheduled for Saturday morning and I desperately needed to go to Costco. When Sunday rolled around, I still wasn’t feeling great, but my next door neighbors had started a burn pile, and I had piles of brush that needed to be burned.
Of course, this was something I could do on my own, anytime when it was a “permissible burn day,” which is something you can easily find out by checking our county’s website. Since we’ve had good rain lately, burning has been permitted. I even have a space toward the back of my property where someone had burned before, a circle of rocks and some charred logs. But I was nervous about this, and if my neighbors had a pile going, I could wheelbarrow my brush down to them and take care of it. It took a couple of hours of loading and wheeling, but I was victorious. Sure, I was coughing a bit as I did it, but I wasn’t that sick, right?
Monday morning dawned. I needed to work. One tricky thing about being self-employed is that you don’t get paid sick days. If I don’t work, I don’t earn. I was sure I could work, though, especially if I fortified myself with the magic elixirs of Sudafed and Advil and carried unwrapped cough drops in my massage apron. I had made it to Costco and had worked in the yard just the other day! Surely, it was only a little cold and I wasn’t that sick.
But late Monday morning, as I sat at the kitchen table, drank my hot tea, and tried my best to motivate myself to get ready for work, I finally accepted reality.
I was that sick. Continue Reading…